Well, fast forward to now, and I'm not playing ANY MMOs at the moment. Warhammer Online, however, along with Justin, end up getting me hooked on Warhammer....Offline. So now I'm playing 40k, and dove headfirst into painting and the hobby in general. So I think I'll be using this blog to record my painting progress, talk about 40k, and stuff like that.
So, to christen the new direction for the blog, here's the objective markers I finished last night.
First up, a Black Templar, in honor of Justin:
Then, a Blazing Fist, from Danny's Imperial Fists successor chapter:
And finally, a member of the Veiled Seraphim, before their tragic fall to Chaos:
1 comment:
Hole 挺趣杯潤滑液真實體液REAL中濃度潤滑液(紅)柔細觸感MILD高濃度潤滑液(白)狂野激情WILD低濃度潤滑液(黑)自慰蛋波浪型自慰蛋凸點型自慰蛋網狀型自慰蛋自慰杯標準型自慰杯(紅)標準型深喉嚨杯標準型柔情杯標準型搖滾杯標準型二重奏杯標準型彈力杯超柔型自慰杯(白)超柔型深喉嚨杯超柔型柔情杯超柔型搖滾杯超柔型彈力杯緊實型自慰杯(黑)緊實型深喉嚨杯緊實型柔情杯緊實型搖滾杯加大型自慰杯加大型深喉嚨杯加大型柔情杯TENGA加溫器情趣用品
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